
29 Mei 2016 XXL Intensive met Tom Goldhand: "Fly like a bird, Land like a cat"

contact jam eindhovendanst s

Nieuw: de XXL Intensive

Naast de kortere introducties gaan we nu ook langere workshops programeren. Vandaag bv een XXL Intensive met Tom Goldhand. Een 5 uur durende workshop om eens wérkelijk in 'n thema te duiken en je eigen te maken wat tot nu toe niet mogelijk leek. Deze dag over de techniek, de schoonheid en eenvoud van het "vliegen en vallen", kernbegrippen in de Contact Improvisatie. En als altijd..... open voor beginners als ook voor ervaren Contact Impro dansers.


Fly like a bird, Land like a cat

tom vlieg kleinFull day Contact Improvisation workshop
One of the best compliments a contact dancer can receive is – “you are light as a feather”, another good indication to one technique is how we land on the floor, both these partners (the human one and the floor beneath our feet) teaches us how to refine our movement and dance.

In this workshop we will practice and investigate how to be light as a feather and to land quietly on the floor like a cat, we will learn to use our entire body – muscles, bones and joints in order to achieve this not so easy task.

By understanding different pathways in space and inside the body one can learn to refine his/her movement capabilities. Seeing spirals pathways as a way up to the air and down to the ground, realizing that one can influence the “heaviness” quality of his/her body and change it in order to be grounded or to be lifted.

This workshop is intended for all levels practitioners of Contact Improvisation from beginners to very experienced practitioners.


About Tom

thumb tom-1I am a performance artist in the field of Dance & Movement Improvisation. I research, work and teach the technique of Improvisation and Contact Improvisation

For me, Improvisation is a way of life and I try to take it out from the studio and stage into everyday life. I try to look at the world with fresh eyes, to learn all the time, to be in the here and now, to stay in the present.

I believe that the core of man spirit comes from new experiences, and that it is much more important to be open and present, than to make plans and try to stick to them. In my teaching I saw young , adults and even older people discover something new about themselves, about art, dance and movement, about the art of improvisation.

In the last years I have been working with the Mono Collective performance group – producing set dance pieces and improvisation  pieces. Currently I am finishing my Master in Dance therapy in Codarts university at Rotterdam

More info: tomgoldhand.com


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