
7-2-2015 Saturday Night Contact Jam met Tom Goldhand

contact jam eindhovendanst s




thumb contact impro darkFrom Trust to Fly

In this workshop we will put our attention to all the ways we can build trust in our own body and in our partner. Once trust is established we can go further, faster and higher in our movement, dance and communication. We will learn how to transform our partner into the base from which we can fly higher into different levels.
This workshop is suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners of Contact Improvisation.


Tom about Tom

thumb tom-1

I am ...

... a performance artist in the field of Dance & Movement Improvisation. I research, work and teach the technique of Improvisation and Contact Improvisation

For me, Improvisation is a way of life and I try to take it out from the studio and stage into everyday life. I try to look at the world with fresh eyes, to learn all the time, to be in the here and now, to stay in the present.

I believe that the core of man spirit comes from new experiences, and that it is much more important to be open and present, than to make plans and try to stick to them. In my teaching I saw young , adults and even older people discover something new about themselves, about art, dance and movement, about the art of improvisation.

In the last years I have been working with the Mono Collective performance group – producing set dance pieces and improvisation  pieces. Currently I am finishing my Master in Dance therapy in Codarts university at Rotterdam

Meer info op tomgoldhand.com


After Party Parels #1

Na de workshop is het vaak nog fijn dansen en zeker in de laatste uurtjes Jam met de laatste mensen gebeuren soms mooie dingen. After Party Parels zijn het, keer op keer eigenlijk. Hier bv een mooi duet van mijn trouwe Contact Impro dansers en crewleden Marcel en Yvonne. Duidelijk zichtbaar het geleerde materiaal in de praktijk gebracht. After Party Parels #1 dus misschien volgen er #2 en #3 en #4 enz enz op de site.


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