
6 aug 2011: Tom Goldhand

miro-1Color my dance – Dancing colors
Dance Improvisation workshop

In this workshop we will be adding colors to our dance vocabulary and learn how to interpret it and represent it. This workshop will not be dealing with real colors on the body, but rather their representation - how the body can dance blue, red, green or any other color.
After discovering this quality inside the body we will go further and create a dance/painting piece with ourselves and partners. We will see the different representation of painters, and see if we can translate great master painters into dance -

What is it like to dance a color?chagall-3
What is it like to dance a painting?
What is it like to dance a master piece (Chagall, Mondrian, Miro)

This workshop will allow you to open your body and mind to a new perception about dance and movement possibilities. To see the colors in the dance, and to dance color.


Meer over Tom en zijn workshops vind je op: tomgoldhand.com

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